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Rock This Democracy



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To the Editor:

It was standing room only at the Edmond Town Hall gym on Saturday night thanks to the organizing efforts of Jim Allen, Matthew Crebbin, Alex Villamil and John Woodall.

These four community leaders hosted a marvelous event, “Rock This Democracy,” allowing the large crowd to hear from elected officials, grassroot organizers, and concerned citizens. The speakers came from a variety of backgrounds and causes but they all shared one unifying message: they are all deeply troubled by the cruel and destructive policies and executive orders initiated by the Musk/Trump administration and are asking that we the people do something.

One speaker stood out to me, Mrs Frances G. Allen (Jim Allen’s mom), she will be celebrating her 100th birthday in a few short years. She was born towards the end of the roaring twenties, lived through the Great Depression, World War II and the tumultuous years of the Civil Rights movement. Mrs Allen has witnessed first hand some very dark periods in American history over these last 97 years but it is her opinion that the times we are living in right now are the darkest she has ever experienced.

Frances is not alone in thinking this. Attending “Rock This Democracy” gave me hope that many people in our town want to do something to save our democracy. There are positive actions we can take. We can attend town halls of both Democrats and Republicans, write and call our elected officials, join an organization that aligns with a cause we believe in such as Indivisible or REBS and make donations to legal defense funds such as the ACLU.

Doing something important is never easy but we the people do have power and together we can and will create change for good.

Kim Weber


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