Check The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission Website For Arts Events
To the Editor:
We are lucky that we live in an area that is alight with arts events. And the list that The Bee noted in their editorial last week is only the beginning.
Looking for more arts events in the area? How about plays, music and art exhibits within 30 minutes of the Flagpole? The calendar on the website of the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission has them. A lot of them. (
But maybe you want to know more about events further away but still within driving distance. And maybe you want to know about auditions in general and jobs in the arts within driving distance.
For that you go to the Facebook page of the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission.
But maybe you’re wondering what’s going on in the arts events and jobs and auditions, really far away? Our Facebook page still delivers. And to make it clear, please note that the Swinton and District excelsior band is looking for a new director. That’s Swinton & District in North Yorkshire, England. Contact or email for particulars.
Laura E. Lerman
Newtown Cultural Arts Commission