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Snapshot: Barbara Formica



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Occupation: I'm a work-at-home mom. I'm a health advocate for Shaklee Corporation. They've helped me overcome some health issues, and now I'm paying it forward by helping other families. It's very rewarding.

Family: My husband, Anthony, is in the airline business. We have two children. Filippo just turned 11 and is at Reed Intermediate School. Emma is 10, and she's at Sandy Hook School.

Pets: No pets. They kids have been begging for a dog, but no pets yet.

How long have you lived here? We moved here in August of 2014, from Long Island.

What do you like to do in your free time? Really, just spend it with the family. We try to do as many things as possible with the kids. We do like Skyzone in Bethel, and now that we live here, we're hoping to get into skiing. Last year was better for that, though, and this year, not so much. We like to go to museums. I am crafty, and I do a lot for the PTA. I like to read when the time comes up, but that's not too often.

Does your family have a favorite museum? The Maritime Museum in Norwalk is great, and the Pez Museum in Orange was a lot of fun. There's a lot of history. I think that I liked it even better than the kids did.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? We used to do a lot of family vacations to Lake George, N.Y., and the kids liked it there. I don't think we've found a favorite yet. We try to take the kids to a lot of different places.

What is the best thing about Newtown? I love the small town feel. It feels like everyone knows everyone else. What really attracted us to Newtown is that it's very community oriented.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My mother. She raised three daughters by herself after my father passed away when I was young. I draw a lot of strength from that. She had to deal with raising three kids on her own, and never having worked outside the home, she had to go into the work force. It was a struggle, but she did what she had to do.


f you could spend a day with anyone, who would you choose? Mother Theresa. It would be interesting to be near her.

Barbara Formica is this week's Snapshot profile.

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Starbucks. I get a soy peppermint mocha latte. That's my vice. And I love it when the kids go to bed, the husband isn't home, and I can just sit down and listen to the quiet. Time alone, that's a guilty pleasure.

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