School Board Passes New Acting Class And Extends EdAdvance Transportation Contract
The Board of Education unanimously approved a new acting course for Newtown High School at its meeting on Tuesday, February 21, and it approved extending a contract for special education out of district transportation with EdAdvance through June 2019.
The new acting course was first presented to the school board at its meeting on Tuesday, February 7, when Assistant Superintendent of Schools Jean Evans Davila explained students have been requesting options to further studies beyond the Acting 1 class, which has been available at NHS.
"There are students that want to go on in acting, and beyond Acting 1 they do not have opportunities. So what they are doing is they are retaking the same course for no credit, and really our goal is to have robust options for students," said Ms Davila.
Janice Gabriel, who teaches the Acting 1 class and will teach the Acting 2 class, NHS Principal Lorrie Rodrigue, and district Director of Visual and Performing Arts Michelle Hiscavich also spoke to the board at its February 7 meeting.
Ms Gabriel said she has had students take the Acting 1 class two to three times "just to be in a theater class."
"I think we are doing them a disservice by not giving them opportunities to go on and grow within the program," Ms Gabriel continued.
When students have visited after attending college, they have shared reports that, while they appreciated the foundation of learning NHS provided, Ms Gabriel said, they did not receive as much as was needed.
"We really want to expand the program at the high school to make sure we are sending out students with the best knowledge they could have to go off and explore theater, and theater production, and theater design," said Ms Gabriel.
With the NHS auditorium renovation work underway, adding Acting 2 would be a first step to expanding the theater program, according to Ms Gabriel.
The board reviewed the class proposal before voting unanimously at its meeting on February 21 to approve the class. Board Vice Chair Michelle Embree Ku and Secretary Debbie Leidlein were not present for the February 21 meeting.
Ms Gabriel shared her excitement for the class's approval by e-mail on Wednesday, February 22.
"I just want to say that I am so excited to have a board and an administration who respect the importance of the arts," Ms Gabriel said. "The expansion of the theater program will truly benefit students and will continue to prepare our students for the rigorous programs that await them outside of Newtown. With such an incredibly talented group of young individuals like Newtown has, it is wonderful that we are placing value on all areas of their education, including the electives."
Transportation Contract Extended
The school board also voted unanimously- without Ms Ku or Ms Leidlein present- to approve its contract with EdAdvance, formerly Education Connection, extended to 2019. District Director of Business Ron Bienkowski explained that the contract for out of district special education transportation was originally put out to bid and approved by the school board in 2014 for a three-year contract. The extension rates were also submitted at that time.
For the 2017-18 year, Mr Bienkowski said, there will be no increase for the rates. For the 2018-19 year there will be a 2 percent increase, he shared on Wednesday, February 22.
Mr Bienkowski said the value of the contract depends on the number of students who need the service. Based on the town's current 40 students using the service, Mr Bienkowski said, following the meeting, the contract represents roughly $1 million.