Thank You Governor Lamont
To the Editor:
Governor Lamont deserves credit for guiding Connecticut during the COVID pandemic. He has utilized science-based criteria for his decision-making, avoiding partisan politics.
The results speak for themselves: Connecticut has been well served, lives have been saved, residents have been protected. We are now entering a new phase of the pandemic and Governor Lamont has again acted based on science not partisan politics.
It’s now up to local school districts to continue a science-based decision process, following the data to protect our students. Some decisions will be hard, and hopefully partisan pressure from local and state officials will be held to a minimum.
Guidance from the state and CDC should be carefully evaluated locally by the Board of Education and thoughtful decisions made.
I hope Newtown does not degenerate into some of the spectacles we have read about in the press and seen on the news, with politicians encouraging emotional rather than science-based decisions.
The health of our children and residents should be much more important than getting re-elected in November.
Bruce Walczak