Gratitude For Our BOE During Challenging Times
To The Editor,
In light of recent well-coordinated criticisms, I want to reiterate my gratitude for our Board of Education. Their dedication and commitment to our children is truly unmatched and you can see their desire for everyone to succeed.
From the beginning, [BOE Chair] Deb Zukowski has made every effort for collaboration and cooperation — even when others made that extremely difficult. The leadership of the board is bipartisan and party affiliation seems not to matter with respect to the committees. This is leaving many confused as to where the allegations of “party politics” are coming from.
This BOE continues to demonstrate the value of putting our children and their education first.
The most recent meeting dealing with mask mandates was definitely an emotional one! Despite the board’s unanimous vote for mask choice, comments of party politics were once again thrown around causing a whirlwind of misinformation to be spread.
The topic of masks has been bringing more attention to board meetings nationally, as some are just downright out of control. I give credit to Deb, the Board Chairwoman, for keeping the meeting under control. Emotions were running high and the energy of the crowd could be felt by all in the room. It is unfortunate to see such harsh treatment of someone who is new to the role, and has openly stated she is willing to do the work to find the right balance for all.
In their short time together, this Board of Education has listened considerately and more importantly, worked to find compromise on a variety of tough issues — only to be met with an unprecedented amount of challenges. That is not “Nicer in Newtown.” We all want Newtown to be a community where everyone feels welcomed!
Volunteering time to serve on these boards is often thankless and in this political climate downright discouraging. The current treatment of boards in town, by select groups of people who attempt to monopolize the conversation, will make future qualified candidates who are interested in serving, reluctant to do so.
I am also worried that this may negatively impact our ongoing search for a new superintendent.
I however, am grateful for the leadership we have here in Newtown and think we all should take a step back to appreciate the work they do, and the time they are giving to serve our school community.
Thank you,
Melissa Gomez
Newtown CT
I TOTALLY agree! I have incredible respect and gratitude for them. The disrespect they have been shown is disgraceful. Let those who think they know better step up & volunteer rather than complain.