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Guide To The School Budget Process Created



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Guide To The School Budget Process Created

By Eliza Hallabeck

Residents Kinga Walsh and Alisa Farley sat before the Board of Education at its meeting on Wednesday, February 22, to announce the completion of A Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Development Process, now available online.

“It is with great pleasure that we introduce the Newtown education budget Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Development Process to you and the citizens of Newtown,” said Ms Walsh, speaking during the meeting’s public participation.

The guide, she said, was the group’s best effort at an objective overview of the school budget process.

Ms Farley, Ms Walsh, Robin Fitzgerald, Charles Hepp, and Cathy Reiss created the guide, mirroring the efforts made in Trumbull, Milford, and Canton to describe the budget process.

“In short, there was a hole, and we saw the need to fill it,” said Ms Walsh, about the group.

A Citizen’s Guide to the Budget Development Process, Ms Walsh said, answers all questions a citizen may have about the budget in one place, and it lists all sources that may be contacted or researched for further information.

“It’s up,” said Ms Walsh as her departing words to the school board members. “It’s working. You can view it. You can download it.”

The document is available online at https://sites.google.com/site/newtownedbudgetguide. By clicking “Go Now” under the “Documents” section residents have the option of either viewing or downloading the 110-page guide.

Ms Walsh said she and Ms Farley came before the board during its meeting on February 22 to ask for help in distributing the guide. She asked the board members to share the website where the guide is located, place hard copies in school libraries and offices, and more.

“In an effort to be transparent,” Ms Walsh continued, “we are requesting time in the March 6 Board of Education meeting agenda to have the opportunity to formally present an overview of the guide. This will allow you and others to review the document, ask questions, and offer us the opportunity to answer them.”

Ms Walsh said her group believes the guide will benefit Newtown and help move the town forward in a positive direction.

Following the meeting Ms Walsh said it took the group seven months to compile the document. She also said anyone who is interested in learning more can e-mail the group at newtownbudgetguide12@gmail.com.

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