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Eagle Scout Project Benefits Victory Garden



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Eagle Scout Project Benefits

Victory Garden

Tarren Horvath added his creative and beneficial touch to the Fairfield Hills campus this week. He built an informational kiosk for the Victory Garden as his Eagle Scout project, which he told the Fairfield Hills Authority members on February 15. By Tuesday, February 21, the rustic sign-board was in place.

The Victory Garden, located at Fairfield Hills, is a volunteer project to grow and provide produce to the town’s food pantries. The garden is approaching its second season.

Intending to build the information center with “so people can leave notes or post information for other gardeners,” Tarren described the freestanding, portable kiosk with cedar shingles to protect it from weather.

“I hope people find it to be helpful,” he told the authority. “I hope it is put to good use.”

The group’s new chairman, James Bernardi, said, “We’re all supporters of scouting, and [the kiosk] is a good idea.” Member Ross Carley asked Tarren if the board would have room to hold trail maps for walking areas on the Fairfield Hills campus, and other information.

“Sure, I can incorporate that,” Tarren said.

Originally planning a different project at Fairfield Hills, Tarren learned about the Victory Garden and contacted its founder Harvey Pessin.

Visitors to the Fairfield Hills campus can see the new kiosk as they drive past Woodbury and Newtown Halls, beyond the old tennis court.

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