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Decision On Hall Lane Prudent And Timely But Not Without Issues



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To the Editor,

The decision to make part of Hall Lane a one-way street, is both prudent and timely. Several months ago, I began to notice the constant stream of vehicles turning onto Hall Lane, which is close to my house, beginning at about 4 pm. This intervention makes sense, since Currituck is significantly backed up at Main Street during approximately 4 to 6 pm most work days. This is due to both volume and drivers following GPS to avoid backups on Main St (Rt 25). It is exacerbated when there is a backup on I84 (which occurs often). The remediation of a one-way designation for the part of Hall Lane which intersects Currituck, is not without resulting issues, however, which will also need attention. The traffic congestion at Main St/Currituck will be exacerbated as vehicles can no longer use Hall Lane to escape the congestion. GPS will find other routes that are sure to inconvenience many. This will remain a very significant issue for residents, and those passing through town.

Route 25 (Main Street) is a state road, and as such, I am sure there are limitations on potential solutions. Nonetheless, examination of how traffic lights might be used to control traffic must be examined. Three traffic signals could be installed. I would think that two traffic lights on Main Street (at roughly the War Memorial) for northbound traffic only, and near the frame store (old ambulance building) for southbound traffic only, could be considered. Additionally, a light at the intersection of Main St/Currituck Rd can be coordinated/timed with the aforementioned lights on Main St, to allow for controlled traffic through the intersection. The police department could determine when full traffic signals are activated. This would not eliminate the traffic problem, but would allow for improved traffic flow.

The lights could be activated only during peak hours, or as needed, and flash “yellow” on Main St lights, and flash “red” on the Currituck light at other times. If the lights are not possible, then the town should consider placing a traffic control police officer at the intersection of Main/Currituck to allow for an even flow through the intersection during peak congestion hours. If nothing is done, the congestion at peak intervals can result in daily gridlock.


Richard English


A letter from Richard English.
Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. tomj says:

    Traffic lights are not the issue. This entire issue sadly falls squarely into a disappointing credo, Not In My Back Yard. I am fairly confident that people who complain about traffic caused by traffic routing software occasionally use the same software themselves. They probably remark on a shortcut they found. It’s like the people who cry for speed bumps in front of their house when the likely speed in front of everyone else’s house. Basically, they want the problem fixed “right in front” of their house, or what they deal with.

    I think ANY change to the traffic plan requires thoughtful study. We often implement a new plan to make improvements only to need additional bandaids. A great example is the block-the-box implementation on Walnut Tree and Elm streets. They were only necessary when the traffic count went up on the respective roads because of either new traffic lights or poorly designed turning lanes.

    If you make Hall one way it will only be a matter of time until you need to do the same to Blakslee Drive and Sunset Hill.

  2. BRUCE WALCZAK says:

    Agreed. Fixing one’s problem by tossing it to others is no solution. Its not clear the Traffic Calming regulations have been followed here. The regulations call for immediate retraction of the engineering if more that 5% of traffic is diverted. This will diverter way more.

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