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A Workshop For Board Members



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A Workshop For Board Members

DANBURY — For anyone who has ever considered joining a board of directors for a local community group, two local agencies are co-sponsoring a workshop to outline what is expected and necessary to serve on such an entity.

The Hispanic Center of Greater Danbury and The Volunteer Center serving Western Connecticut invite the public to an informational gathering on Monday, February 25. The program will run from 6 to 8 pm at The Volunteer Center, 58 Division Street.

The special session will be focused on building diversity among nonprofit board members. It will cover serving on a community board of directors and will include information about board responsibilities, structures, mission, and planning.

Boards of directors should reflect the rich diversity of the community their organizations serve. Local nonprofit organizations are seeking qualified board candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences. The Hispanic Center and The Volunteer Center is hoping that their presentation will encourage the public to consider filling some of the available openings.

Reservations are requested and can be made by contacting The Volunteer Center at 797-1154 or sending an e-mail to Jlasecki@VolunteerDanbury.org.

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