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Ensure Protection In All Schools



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To the Editor:

The President and Congress, together and singly, shall issue a public law requiring armed protection in all schools within the United States. The states and municipalities shall, then, issue the identical law.

This law would commence immediately and all schools will begin to provide armed protection in each building in which there is public and private education.

From here on in, all public institutions of education shall ensure the public safety.

After a sufficient period of time, schools could be expected to change the specific means of providing armed protection to ones reflecting the wishes of their location, i.e., official guards, concealed carry teachers, etc. All of the incredible number of issues resulting from doing this would be managed as they arose. But, "immediate" compliance is mandatory.

This single action would virtually end the scourge of school shootings.

What do you think? Crazy simple, right!? Can't possibly work, right!?

Respectfully submitted,

Peter McLoughlin

Pleasant Hill Road, Newtown    February 20, 2018

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