What Of The People?
To the Editor:
l have been attending the open meetings of the P&Z Commission as they hear the plans for a Section 8-30g development of two four story apartment buildings on a narrow spit of land between Berkshire Road (Rt 34) and Oakview Road in Sandy Hook.
Each of the two buildings will be constructed on two, two acre plots to accommodate a total of 136 apartments and parking space for 190 cars. The architects (Sollis) for the builder (Vessel Technologies) have worked to connect the two buildings by an internal roadway and a single entrance/exit on Berkshire road.
It all may work on paper but the bigger question is will it work for the people who will live there and for their neighborhood in which it will be located.
I think not.
How many people will occupy the two buildings when completed? 200? 225?
How many school age children will need to be picked up in the morning when residents are leaving for work, all from a single driveway and exit?
And how will it impact the morning high school traffic?
Sollis’ plans do not resolve the people problems.
Newtown is the sixth largest town in area in Connecticut. There is a need for affordable housing in Newtown but Vessel has picked the wrong site to accommodate the need.
Yet if it is approved look no further than the State’s Section 8-30g rule that forces acceptance of plan short of specific health or safety claims. Even when a town turns down a plan the builder sues the town and wins in court a vast majority of the time.
Stephen Rosenblatt
Sandy Hook