A ‘Timeless Newtown’ Event: FONS Follow-Up To ‘Aging Powerfully,’ March 4
UPDATE (Saturday, March 1, 2025): This program is being postponed; new date TBA.
UPDATE (Tuesday, February 25, 2025): This press release has been updated to correctly reflect the date of the "Aging Powerfully" program.
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Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) will offer a follow-up to its recent presentation that introduced the “Timeless Newtown” initiative.
John Boccuzzi, founder and president of FONS, formally launched an initiative called “Timeless Newtown: Embracing Every Generation.” During the program, “Aging Powerfully,” he explained that he and other coordinators hope to draw interest from multiple generations over the next eight months through myriad public programs and special events.
During that January 24 event, attendees were invited to share thoughts and feedback. Guests were asked to respond to a survey asking what they had hoped to learn that afternoon, what they did learn, and offer questions and suggestions for future programming.
“Timeless Newtown” organizers — which include representatives from C.H. Booth Library, Newtown Commission on Aging, and Newtown Senior Center — have spent the past few weeks compiling data from the January program. They are now inviting the public to join them on Tuesday, March 4, at 1 pm, at the senior center, 8 Simpson Street, for a follow-up presentation.
All are invited to share reactions on aging, ageism, and defining what community, purpose and structure mean in their life. A summary of the input from “Aging Powerfully” will be provided to help guide the discussion.
The event is for everyone, whether they were at the initial presentation or not.
“We hope new and repeat participants will take part,” Boccuzzi said. We are open to any issue and we want to hear what you have to say.
“We really hope to see both new and repeat participants in this interesting, fun and lively discussion,” Boccuzzi reiterated.
Registration is requested, and available by calling Newtown Senior Center at 203-270-4310. Additional information is also available via email to info@friendsofnewtownseniors.org.