Police Dept. Needs To Try A Little Harder
Police Dept. Needs To Try
A Little Harder
To the Editor:
I see that the Newtown Police officers suspected of stealing money from the union accounts have finally resigned. This, at least, takes away the insult of having them on the payroll all this time.
If any of us regular citizens had been involved in something like this, we would have been arrested, fired, and have to put up bail. I also see that these officers were in charge of the canine unit and the Citizens Police Academy. Given the editorial right above this article bemoaning the state of the finances in Connecticut, maybe the Newtown Police Department could show some fiscal responsibility, and not hire officers to replace these two. They could also try a little harder to differentiate between programs that are needed and programs that waste tax dollars. (Although I wonât hold my breath.)
James Barber
33 Zoar Road, Sandy Hook                                    February 12, 2011