Become A Bluebird Landlord
Become A Bluebird Landlord
On Sunday, March 6, at 3 pm, naturalist and local author Fred Comstock will be at C.H. Booth Library to give a slide show and talk about bluebirds. Participants will learn how to attract them and keep them coming back to their yard year after year.
Mr Comstock has spent years banding these birds, watching their progress, and has campaigned for suburban dwellers to build nesting boxes in their yards and fields. March, he says, is the best time of year to put up the boxes.
His book, Bluebirds: The How-To Book, and bluebird house kits will be available for purchase at the time of the talk. Call the library at 426-4533 to reserve a place. The program is free and refreshments will be served.