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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

'Unity & Diversity' Programs Preview



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‘Unity & Diversity’ Programs Preview

What do you know about your neighbors’ faith community? Do you have an appreciation for their beliefs, liturgies, sacramental rites, music, history or their interest in community action, ecumenism and interfaith dialogue? Do you know some of their heroes and inspired leaders?

Unity and Diversity is a weekly cable television program that features leaders and representatives of various religious communities in the local area, and offers an opportunity to learn about one another in a nonthreatening way. It can be viewed on Mondays at noon and Wednesdays at 5:30 pm on Charter Communications Channel 21.

Programs for the next few weeks are as follows: February 20 and 22, Father Luke Mihaly, pastor, Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church, Danbury; and February 27 and 29, the Reverend Paula Jensen, the Christian Science Community.

Next month’s scheduled programs include March 5 and 7, the Islam Faith in the local community; March 12 and 14, the Reverend Terry Pfeiffer, former pastor, Newtown United Methodist Church; March 19 and 21, the Reverend Ann Beams, Valley Presbyterian Church, Brookfield; and March 26 and 28, Father “Aboona” Lawrence, St Anthony Maronite Church, Danbury.

The Unity and Diversity program producer and host is the Reverend Leo McIlrath, coordinator of Corpus Christi, an Ecumenical Catholic Faith Community, and chaplain to the Lutheran Home of Southbury. He is wiling to visit local churches, synagogues, mosques or temples to share what it means to be ecumenical or a member of an interfaith council. Rev McIlrath, who lives in Sandy Hook, can be reached at 203-270-0581.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Send e-mail to lionofjudah56@hotmail.com.

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