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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Loving God’s Creation: Faith Community And Climate Disruption



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As communities around the planet face climate disruption, how can people of faith respond?

Members of Trinity Episcopal Church are wondering: As neighbors in Newtown, can we plan locally for adaptation and mutual support?

With Christian theology in one hand and climate science in the other, the town’s Episcopal church is inviting everyone to engage in Spirit-filled conversation about what it means to love God and God’s creation.

Led by the Reverend Andrea Castner Wyatt and Lisa Mages at the church, 36 Main Street, folks from any faith tradition, or none — as long as participants are comfortable with Christian language and imagery — are invited to join the conversation.

The group will use as a resource John Philip Newell’s 2021 book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World. It will also survey work of climate scientists and activists.

The goal is to discern together passion for local initiatives.

Gatherings are planned for the four Sunday afternoons in March, from 3 to 4:30 pm each weekend, in a hybrid fashion: in person at Trinity Church and online through Zoom.

Contact the church office at 203-426-9070 or trinity@trinitynewtownct.org for additional information, or send e-mail to Rev Castner Wyatt (awyatt@trinitynewtownct.org) for the Zoom link.

Organizers will use John Philip Newell’s 2021 book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul as a resource for a four-week community conversation next month.
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