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A Rough Ride On Route 25



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A Rough Ride On Route 25

To the Editor:

I am a homeowner who lives on Route 25. Recently, Route 25 between Newtown and Brookfield has been used as a path for laying fiber optic cables. The excavated area is located in the middle of one or the other driving lanes. Route 25 is not the only road that has been affected. Route 133 in Brookfield is another example.

The re-surfacing job leaves something to be desired. A road that was once safe, pleasing in appearance and a comfortable medium for vehicular traffic is now the exact opposite. Its appearance is a disgrace, it is not safe nor is it pleasant to travel on. Vehicles try to straddle the excavated area and if unable to do so encounter a “washboard” ride. Excavated areas are sinking and open cuts remain unsealed permitting water to seep under the roadbed. The recent freezing conditions have only worsened the situation.

Correspondence from state representatives indicates that the Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a permit to a “Utility.” The utility was not identified. I find it difficult to understand how the DOT would permit or even think of permitting a private concern, who is in the business for profit, to jeopardize extensive portions of the subject roads. The state road was financed with Connecticut tax monies and to run the risk of exposing it to conditions contrary to what appears to be DOT’s assigned responsibilities is unthinkable.

The correspondence indicated that the utility was going to pay for the re-surfacing. If the existing work is an example of what is to come then there is trouble ahead.

As to the re-surfacing. Does this mean that the utility is going to pay for re-surfacing only of the area excavated? Or does it mean it will re-surface only the driving lane affected? Logic tells one that if one side of the road is re-surfaced the other side should be re-surfaced or uneven driving conditions will exist. Or again, is the total roadway (both driving lanes) going to be re-surfaced?

George A. Oldham

2 High Ridge Road, Brookfield                      February 14, 2000

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