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Latest Newtown Grand List Is In The Black, Barely



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Latest Newtown Grand List Is In The Black, Barely

By John Voket

The Newtown Assessor’s office reported this week that its latest Grand List has not lost money. The good news should be viewed in context, however, since the list is only showing a 0.0003 increase over last year’s figure.

Assessor Christopher Kelsey is nonetheless pleased to ink that figure in black instead of red.

“I’ve been hearing about a number of towns that are coming in below last year’s Grand List values,” Mr Kelsey told The Newtown Bee this week. “I know, for instance, that Redding is down one-and-a-half percent.”

Mr Kelsey said while real estate and motor vehicle assessments are down compared to last year, the saving grace was found in personal property assessments, which increased just enough to tip the overall Grand List into the “plus” category.

He said the nearly $6 million increase in personal property assessments washed against a $3.7 million drop in motor vehicle, and about a $2 million drop in real estate assessments to yield the incremental increase. The Grand List represents the town’s official record of all taxable property.

Mr Kelsey also reminds taxpayers that the deadline for taxpayers to file appeals for the past Grand List is February 20. Anyone wishing to consult with the assessor regarding appeals or any related matter is asked to call 270-4240 during normal business hours.

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