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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Rochambeau Bridge Deck Demolition This Saturday



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UPDATE: Work planned for this past Saturday has been postponed to Monday, February 15, weather permitting.

SOUTHBURY — Due to the snow storms that postponed work this week and last, concrete removal on the western bridge of the Rochambeau Bridge will take place again on Saturday, February 13, beginning at 6 am. This phase of bridge deck demolition should be completed by Tuesday, February 16.

Steel removal on the former westbound portion of the bridge will follow, beginning February 22, and will not generate as much noise as the concrete deck removal has generated.

The Lake Zoar channel under the Rochambeau Bridge will close during bridge demolition, from February 22 to March 13.

The ongoing work is part of the rehabilitation of Bridges 01218 and 04180 (collectively called the “Rochambeau Bridge”), which carry I-84 over the Housatonic River. The bridge also straddles the boundary between Newtown and Southbury.

The project was awarded in May to Middlesex Corporation at a cost of $52,873,000. Work began in mid-June.

Westbound traffic began traveling over the eastbound span in August. The four-lane span, traditionally used for eastbound traffic only, is currently hosting two lanes of eastbound traffic and two lanes of westbound traffic thanks to extra wide shoulders.

The bridge was one of two spans identified in September 2018 in a statewide report on structurally deficient bridges.

The full rehabilitation project is scheduled to be completed by December 23, 2023.

Deck demolition of the Rochambeau Bridge will resume Saturday, February 13, beginning at 6 am. —CT Department of Transportation photo
The Lake Zoar channel under the Rochambeau Bridge will be closed during much of the rehabilitation work, including work that was done in January when this photo was taken. The next planned closure will coincide with concrete removal on the western bridge, slated to begin this weekend. —Bee Photo, Hicks
The full Rochambeau Bridge Reconstruction project is scheduled to be completed by December 23, 2023. —CT Department of Transportation graphic
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