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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NHS Hosts Midyear Graduation Ceremony



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Newtown High School hosted a midyear graduation ceremony on Tuesday, February 2, for students who have completed the school's graduation requirements.

The event was conducted in the school's cafetorium. After speeches and the ceremonial walk across the stage a reception was held, with food provided by the school's culinary department, to celebrate the graduates.

"Welcome to our ceremony for those students who have worked so hard to meet all the graduation requirements," said NHS Counselor Cathy Ostar.

Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, was the first speaker for the event.

After saying the ceremony is one of his favorite yearly events, Dr Erardi said he loves to run and he runs with a partner who is an elite runner. A marathon is 26 miles, the superintendent said, and when he is near the halfway mark, his partner "is probably close to the finish line."

"But when the race is over, it makes no difference… we finished the race. We embrace each other with the satisfaction that we both did the job, and it makes no difference in regards to time," said Dr Erardi.

In some cases for the students graduating it took less than four years to graduate and for others, Dr Erardi said, it took more than that time.

"At this particular moment, your common space is that you all finished the race," Dr Erardi said, "and for that I stand here as an extraordinarily proud superintendent."

Dr Erardi wished the students "the absolute best" on behalf of his office and the Newtown Board of Education.

NHS Principal Lorrie Rodrigue said it is always a privilege to watch high school graduates "take that next big step."

"You make us proud, you make us smile, you make us so glad we became teachers, so glad we became administrators, and of course so glad that we are parents," Dr Rodrigue said, thanking the students for that gift their education achievement gives to educators and parents.

The individuals on stage have different stories, said Dr Rodrigue, and everyone was present to celebrate their accomplishments so far.

"But we know that tomorrow is even more important," said Dr Rodrigue. "It is actually symbolic of the thousands of moments that will define who you are and, of course, who you will become. The learning continues, but you have already demonstrated that you have the skills, the passion, and, of course, the persistence to be successful in whatever you choose to do."

On behalf of all the educators at NHS, Dr Rodrigue wished the students "the best of luck in the future."

Graduates Sarah Suckow and Monica Faust also spoke during the ceremony.

Sarah listed the achievements of her graduating peers before saying, "We are ready. We have grown into adults who have likes and dislikes and passions we want to follow. And now we face the next steps to follow the paths those passions take us on."

There will be setbacks, Sarah said, but she asked her fellow graduates to remember the resilience and other lessons they have learned.

"We truly are Newtown strong," said Sarah. "I have never seen or heard of such a well-rounded accomplished community of kids. So remember where you came from. Remember that we don't give up after loss. Remember that the road ahead will be rough, but look at all we have already done while you look at all that is still left."

After running a little late to the event, Monica apologized but did not miss a step when delivering her speech. She commended the students for their accomplishments.

"You are here because you want a taste of the real world now," said Monica to her fellow graduates. "That in my opinion is the wisest thing you can do."

Monica said the most important lesson she learned from her high school career was from her experience in "just being present and engaged in my surroundings."

She recognized social norms, studied people, and formed her own opinions, she said.

"Whether or not you enjoyed your time in high school it is undeniable that you recognize how things work," said Monica, before sharing the benefits of graduating early for her and telling the graduates to take advantage of this special time in their lives.

A line of teachers shook hands with students before they were congratulated by Dr Rodrigue, Dr Erardi, and Ms Ostar on the stage.

In addition to Sarah and Monica, students recognized during the ceremony, although not all were in attendance for the event, were Emma Bayuk, Winona Davis, Sabrina El-Hag, Carlo Fenaroli, Justin Hall, Emma Horne, Russell Jacobs, Raeleigh Joyce, Ryan Kiss, Demi Martens, Quinn Murphy, Abigail Odams, Eric Olah, Alyssa Pettit, Abriana Raymond, Owen Remchuk, Allison Silkowski, Alexis Tucker, and Michael Vitti.

After being recognized for completing all requirements to graduate from Newtown High School, the graduates present posed for a photo on the school's cafetorium stage. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, left, addressing the graduates during the midyear graduation ceremony hosted at NHS on Tuesday, February 2. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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