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Clean Those Chimneys! -Fire Marshal Warns That It's Always Flue Season



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Clean Those Chimneys! –

Fire Marshal Warns That It’s Always Flue Season

Fire Marshal Bill Halstead urges residents who use fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, and coal-burning stoves to properly maintain their chimneys and stovepipes to prevent fires.

When the popular heating devices are not properly maintained, they can be a source of danger and possible disaster stemming from chimney and stovepipe fires.

Many homeowners do not realize the importance of regular chimney maintenance, according to Mr Halstead.

When wood burns, it gives off substances including creosote, tars, and resins. Such products of incomplete combustion collect in the chimney flue liner.

 If the substances are allowed to build up in the chimney, sooner or later, they will ignite and burn vigorously, according to the fire marshal.

A chimney fire may be undetected initially, allowing the blaze to spread between the firebox and top of the chimney. If the chimney has a blockage, the fire could spread into the house.

Creosote ignites at 451 degrees and can flare up to 2,100 degrees quickly, he said.

For the sake of fire safety, chimneys and stovepipes should be annually inspected and cleaned by professionals, who use wire brushes and specialized vacuum cleaners, he said.

The fire marshal’s office and the town’s five volunteer fire companies urge residents to properly maintain the heat sources to ensure their safe operation and to prevent fires.

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