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Snow Days



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Snow Days

To the Editor:

So far we have had eight snow days. The policy for Newtown Public Schools is to add the snow days to the projected last day, which was June 13. Right know we are at June 23. We do not know how the weather will be for the rest of February and March. Why are they having us fill out a survey about the snow days? The survey is our individual opinion what they should do when there is a policy already in place. If you want to change the policy, do so next year and review it very carefully. The policy that is in place has been there for along time. This year has been a very difficult snow year for everybody, the children, parents, and the teachers.

Everyone should worry about their homes, roofs, and our roads. It is very difficult to drive anywhere because the roads are so narrow due to all the snow we have had. Unfortunately there is more to come. I am sure everyone can not wait until spring comes. It will not be soon enough for myself and my family.

Karen Visca

30 Mile Hill South Road, Newtown                         February 4, 2010

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