NUMC Extending Invitation For Something ‘New To Us’ On Ash Wednesday
Published: Feb 10, 2024 8:00 am
UPDATE (Sunday, February 11, 2024): This story has been updated to reflect the correct time of Drive-Thru Ash Wednesday offering.
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Newtown United Methodist Church is trying what Reverend Stephen Volpe describes as “something that isn’t new, but is new to us” this year for Ash Wednesday.
On February 14, Volpe will be in the church parking lot, at 92 Church Hill Road, from 7 to 8:30 am.
During that time he will distribute ashes to anyone who would like them.
“It is a drive-through Ash Wednesday event open to all people regardless of church affiliation or lack thereof,” he said, adding all are welcome.
Newtown United Methodist Church at sunrise in October 2021. Readers are invited to visit the parking lot of the Sandy Hook church on Ash Wednesday morning for a new offering. —Bee file photo