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Newtown, CT, USA

Hospice Plans Talk About Advance Directives



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Hospice Plans Talk About Advance Directives

SOUTHBURY — What is an advance directive, and why is it important for everyone to have one, whether you are ill or not?

Find out at a workshop sponsored by Regional Hospice and Home Care of Western Connecticut, Inc titled “Let’s Talk About Advance Directives” on Thursday, February 16, at 11:30 am, at the Southbury Senior Center.

“If there ever comes a time when you are unable to communicate your wishes regarding your medical care, an advance directive is a legal document that communicates your preferences to physicians and others who may be entrusted with your care,” explained Linda Pinckney, nurse liaison at Regional Hospice and Home Care, who will present the workshop. “We’ll talk about the types of advance directives recognized in Connecticut and give everyone who comes to the hands-on workshop the chance to create one on the spot.”

Ms Pinckney, who is also affiliated with Newtown’s Kevin’s Community Center, will discuss myths and facts about advance directives, explain terminology and answer questions regarding treatment options.

“An advance directive in a gift that you give to your family so that they don’t need to make decisions for you,” said Ms Pinckney. “Everyone should take a few minutes to fill out a simple form to make sure that their wishes are met.”

Regional Hospice and Home Care of Western Connecticut is a nonprofit home care and hospice agency that offers real hope for those facing advanced illness through patient-focused care, education, resources, and advocacy.

It helps patients and families discover what end-of-life care can be — what can be gained, what can be realized and what can be recaptured. For more information, visit www.RegionalHospiceCT.org or call 203-702-7400.

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