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Fantasy Faire Auditions, February 11-12



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Fantasy Faire Auditions, February 11-12

ANSONIA — Auditions for the 2012 Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire will take place on Saturday, February 11, from 12:30 to 7 pm, and Sunday, February 12, 11 am to 5 pm. They will be conducted at the Ansonia Armory, 5 State Street.

Those who want a scripted cast part or wandering cast part must be prepared to perform a short monologue (one minute maximum); sing a short song (if you want to sing); bring a resume, a head shot (not required) and a form of ID. Dressing in Renaissance garb is optional.

Those who prefer not to interact with patrons but would rather volunteer and help also must attend auditions for an interview and bring a form of ID.

Professional acts must perform a short piece of their act and bring any promotional material (press kit, CD, DVD, etc.).

All participants will receive free acting and improvisation training, as well as free tickets to the faire and food.

The Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire will be held at Warsaw Park in Ansonia on June 23-24 and 30, and July 1, 7-8.

For additional information prior to the auditions, call 203-910-2743, visit www.mfrenfaire.com or the event’s Facebook page. 

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