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Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, recently released its fall 2011 Dean's List. To achieve this academic distinction, an undergraduate student at CCSU must carry at least 12 academic credits during the semester and earn at least a 3



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Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, recently released its fall 2011 Dean’s List. To achieve this academic distinction, an undergraduate student at CCSU must carry at least 12 academic credits during the semester and earn at least a 3.50 grade point average out of a possible 4.0. Newtown residents Joanna Barry, Emily Bronson, and Bethany Cologna were named on the list.

Charles S. Spath of Sandy Hook, a junior geology major at SUNY Oswego, was named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester at the college. To be included on the Dean’s List, students must have a semester grade average of 3.30 to 3.79.

Tufts University, Medford, Mass., recently released its Dean’s List for the fall 2011 semester. Newtown residents Julie DeAngelis, Laina Piera, and Lila Kohrman-Glaser were included on that list. Dean’s List honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.

Denise Ann Branecky of Newtown was named to the Dean’s List at Clemson University, Clemson, S.C., for the fall 2011 semester. Denise is majoring in animal and veterinary sciences at the college. To be named to the Dean’s List at Clemson, a student must achieve a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.99 on a 4.0 scale.

Emily Snyder, a resident of Newtown, has been named to the fall 2011 Champlain College, Burlington, Vt., President’s List for academic achievements and earning a 4.0 grade average. Ms Snyder is majoring in graphic design and digital media.

Ten area students have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, for the fall semester of the 2011-2012 academic year. Earning Highest Honors were Thomas Dolzall of Newtown and Cody Fischer and Megan Gibbons of Sandy Hook; earning Highest Honors were Gretchen Carey, Allison Rambone, and Samantha Dinnan of Newtown. Earning Honors were Jonathan Frey, Daniel Smith, and Julia Theaman of Newtown and Meghan Bridges of Sandy Hook. Highest Honors are awarded to students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.7 or better out of a possible 4.0. Students with a 3.5 to 3.69 average are awarded High Honors and students whose grade point average is 3.2 through 3.49 are awarded Honors.

Laura Paik of Newtown was named to the Bachelor of Humanities and Arts Dean’s List for the fall 2011 semester at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.5 and complete a minimum of 36 factorable units for the semester to earn the distinction at the university.

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