Where's The Fairness?
To the Editor:(The writer represents the 28th Senate District, which includes Newtown)
Governor Malloy used his final state budget speech to talk about fairness.
But where's the fairness in "zeroing out" and decimating state aid to towns? Where's the fairness in slashing funding for vulnerable seniors? Where's the fairness that he wants to raise gas taxes and raise taxes on property owners? Where's the fairness that he now wants to tax tires and medicine? Where's the fairness in approving tolls legislation without knowing how many tolls there will be, their cost, and their location?
Fairness is a great tag word… but the question is, "Where has the fairness been to the taxpayers?"
E-mail Governor.Malloy@ct.gov. Call him at 860-566-4840. Tell him Senator Hwang urged you to call him. Tell him he's wrong to try to punish taxpayers.
Copy me on your e-mails at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov.
Get active today and stay vocal. We can win this fight.
Senator Tony Hwang
300 Capitol Avenue, HartfordÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ February 9, 2018