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Repeating The Liberal Mantra



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The Liberal Mantra

To the Editor:

Robert Karnoff’s and Martin Blanco’s letters in The Newtown Bee’s January 26 edition are wonderful examples of American liberalism. Mr Karnoff’s use of Christopher Hitchins’ quote captures the soul of liberal thought: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” This is the usual technique employed by left-wing media outlets such as CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and others. Truth does not matter!

Mr Blanco’s letter belittles Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; however, their programs are replete with facts not reported elsewhere.

One such example occurred two weeks ago in Iowa. Mrs Clinton said that President Bush lied to her; consequently, she voted for the war, they chose to ignore facts.

Regarding Hillary’s statements, Rush and Sean both reported that in 2002 in the Senate and on Meet the Press, Hillary called for regime change and the removal of Saddam Hussein. She stated that Al Qaeda was in Iraq; and Saddam was rapidly adding to his chemical, biological and nuclear arsenals and was improving his delivery systems for these weapons. In terms of being lied to by President Bush, Mr Limbaugh stated that on March 7, 2003, in a speech to the feminist group Code Pink, Mrs Clinton said that she was sorry for ignoring their pleas to vote against the war because she had done her own intensive research in coming to the conclusion that she must vote to go to war to remove Saddam.

Mr Blanco regurgitates the liberal mantra that President Bush was asleep at the wheel on 9/11. He does not know the truth.

Osama bin Laden stated that the actions of President Clinton convinced him that the United States did not have the stomach for a fight when we fled from Somalia after the slaughter of 19 American soldiers. Clinton’s additional failures to respond to the 1991 attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, the 1998 attacks on the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 257 and wounded 4,000, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen all encouraged bin Laden to begin planning the 9/11 attack before President Bush took office. Clinton’s lawyers also established a wall, which prevented the FBI from exchanging information with the CIA. This invisible wall helped to make bin Laden’s attack successful.

Rush and Sean have also given factual information regarding several opportunities President Clinton had to capture or kill Osama. They have aired Clinton’s own words in which he tells how he had to turn down an offer by the Sudan to turn Osama over to him because he didn’t have any legal justification to take him. They also tell that page 140 of The 9/11 Commission Report explains that our special forces located bin Laden, had him under observation for five days, relayed the coordinates for a missile strike and how Clinton called off the attack.

Mr Blanco praises Franklin Roosevelt as a “capable leader and an authentic Commander-in-Chief.” Mr Roosevelt did not deal with a near traitorous media or political opponents seeking to regain political power through the defeat of America. Unlike Roosevelt, President Bush has had to fight a war during which intelligence secrets have been made public by the media. The media has divulged the very successful NSA wiretap program. They stated it was an attack on the privacy of every American; yet, few Americans can name one citizen whose privacy suffered under this program. The New York Times released information that America was monitoring suspect money transfers over the interbank Swift network. That program, which was a great tool against terrorists, was made ineffective by the media.

Liberals have called our detainment camp at Guantanamo Bay a terrible injustice and have sought due process for the terrorists imprisoned there. They seem to forget that President Roosevelt, without use of due process, uprooted and placed tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans in internment camps during World War II. Liberals forget that the United States has never granted due process to any prisoners of war.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and others called for a troop surge in Iraq several months ago. Now, the President has instituted such a surge, and they are seeking a nonbinding resolution to prevent it. This resolution is meaningless and serves to embolden our enemies and lower the morale of our combat troops.

Stan Rajczewski, Jr

21 Bennett’s Bridge Road, Sandy Hook                 February 7, 2007

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