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Public Hearing On Democratic/Republican Health Care Proposals, February 9



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Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly and Insurance and Real Estate Committee Senate Ranking Member Tony Hwang discussed on February 8 the Connecticut Senate Republican proposal for how to manage ever-rising health care costs. The senators called attention to the differences between their proposal (S.B. 502) (see op-ed https://ctsenaterepublicans.com/2021/02/the-connecticut-republican-plan-for-affordable-health-insurance/) and the Democratic “public option” plan (S.B. 842) in advance of a February 8 public hearing on S.B. 842.

To participate on February 9:

1. Send an e-mail to instestimony@cga.ct.gov

2. In the subject line, include the bill number you are writing in response to

3. Include your name and town

Tuesday’s public hearing starts at 11 am, via Zoom. It can be viewed via YouTube Live.

Individuals who wish to testify via Zoom must register using the On-line Testimony Registration Form. Registration will close on Monday, February 8, at 3 pm. Speaker order of approved registrants will be listed in a randomized order and posted on the Insurance and Real Estate Committee website on Tuesday, February 9, at 9 am, under Public Hearing Testimony.

If you do not have internet access, you may provide testimony via telephone. To register to testify by phone, call the Phone Registrant Line at 860-240-0411 to leave your contact information.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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