Support From Local Businesses
Support From Local Businesses
To the Editor,
The SWC Wrestling tournament will be held at Newtown High School on Saturday, February 12, 2000. At a recent wrestling meeting we were asked what we could do to make this a day a huge success.  This was an easy task for me as I volunteered to provide breakfast. I knew exactly where I would go. First stop was to see my friends Dom and Rich at Duncan Donuts. As usual they were more than happy to ask when and how much. Next stop was Eunice at Bagelman. For some reason her question was the same as theirs.
The purpose of this letter is to again let the people in Newtown know how much these two establishments are constantly donating and what it means to the sports programs at the high school. Please donât forget to frequent these establishments and make sure you tell them Rose sent you.Â
The very  best of luck to our Newtown team.
Rosemary McCulloch
5 Bridge End Farm Lane                February 7, 2000