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Newtown, CT, USA

Theater Review: Original Blake Revue A Comedic Take On Cuisine



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RIDGEFIELD — Ridgefield Theater Barn has another Bradford Blake original, Smorgasbord, on its stage. This is a silly musical send-up about all things food, offering a variety of comedic takes on cuisine set to music with hilarious effect.

The production features four very talented entertainers — Anya Caravella, Robert Geils, Tracy Marble, and Zachary Theis — who all sing and dance for two hours with energy, enthusiasm, and some star-quality vocal skills. The comedy in every number is well played by these ravenous foodies.

One after another, the musical numbers in Smorgasbord cover the culture of food in all its forms, ethnicities, and circumstances. Ranging from a tribute to the taco to the romance of a “Table with an Ocean View,” the variety leaves the audience comfortably sated.

Particular standout numbers include “At Lebenschmittel’s Deli,” performed by Ms Marble and Mr Theis, and “One Cup of Coffee,” performed by the ensemble, which ended in a collective case of jitters.

The dance numbers were simply arranged to conform to the small space and are perfectly executed.

The physical comedy of Zachary Theis is hysterical. He is a true funny man and delightful to watch.

With an engaging grin, Ms Marble plays each of her roles authentically. Her sincerity adds much to the humor.

Taking on a more sophisticated tone contrary to the material, Mr Geils’ numbers were a lesson in contrast and well done.

While each of the cast members could sing and sing well, Ms Caravella’s voice is a show-stopper. Her sound is powerful, gorgeous, and on full display in several of her numbers. Combined with her comedic sensibility, she is captivating.

On stage at all times is a trio of musicians in chef’s hats and aprons who accompany the performers. Musical director Charles Smith, bassist Charles Casimiro and percussionist Robert Kogut are all part of the performance.

Composer, director, and lyricist, Bradford Blake has again provided a night of nothing but sheer playfulness at the theater. The laughter abounds. What could be better than that?

These musicals don’t come around often, so hurry and get your tickets to see this gourmet delight, all while enjoying your own dining treats.

Performances continue weekends until February 29. Curtain is Friday and Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday afternoon at 2. Doors open one hour prior to curtain. Seating is cabaret style, with ticket-holders welcome to bring their food and beverage of choice to enjoy before the show or during intermission.

Tickets are $33 to $38, and available by calling 203-431-9850 or visiting ridgefieldtheaterbarn.org.

Please note, the theater’s website mentions the current show is “recommended for mature audiences.”

The cast of Smorgasbord — from left, Robert Geils, Anya Caravella, Zach Theis, and Tracey Marble — are rolling in the laughs thanks to another great script by Bradford Blake. The buffet of laughs will continue to be served weekends through the end of the month. —photo courtesy Ridgefield Theater Barn
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