Newtown's Snow Experts
Newtownâs Snow Experts
To the Editor:
I want to say what a great job Newtownâs snow removal crew does after snowstorms. They come promptly, efficiently, and roads are cleared even before the snow stops falling. They even give personal service, or at least I like to think is was personal in my case.
This morning I was trying to clear away the big bulbous pile of snow left by last nightâs snowplow in front of my mailbox. The pile was at least four feet high and pushed out so far in front of the box the postman could never have brought his jeep close enough to open the box. Just as I was trying to shovel away the pile, keeping an unsteady balance on the icy ground, the Newtown plow came barreling down my street on the opposite side where there were no mailboxes. I waved my shovel in distress. The plow went on its way and disconsolately, I watched it disappear around the corner. Then to my joy, I saw it return on the mailbox side of the street, and move slowly and expertly past every one of the eight boxes, shaving the piles down to within a foot of each mailbox post. I waved my thanks at the driverâs courtesy and quick response to my plight. I hope he saw my salute.
I moved up to Newtown after 35 years living in Washington, D.C. There we would usually have one big snowstorm a winter. Since our house faced north and was on an elevated site, the snow unless cleared away would choke up our front door and steps for a day or two until it melted. We would have to wait for some college students or father and son team to come at their will to shovel us out so we could get down to the sidewalk, and then hang around for a $5 tip per person. Believe me, when I moved up here, I watched with amazement and then gratitude how quickly and efficiently Newtown clears and sands its roads. When it comes to snow, it sure is nicer in Newtown!
Mary A. Mitchell
12 Budd Drive, Newtown               February 6, 2001