Don't Back Off On Ball Field Improvements
Donât Back Off On Ball Field Improvements
To the Editor:
After reading about the first selectmanâs suggested cuts to the town budget request for 2001, I felt a need to respond. It seems that the biggest cuts have been suggested for the Parks and Recreation Dept.
Have we been in a time warp? There have been countless discussions about the need for new field development as well as improving the fields we have. The Parks and Recreation commission told the town last year that there would be requests for more funds to add facilities. This should not have come as a surprise! As a parent and member of the Newtown Soccer Club Board of Directors, I am extremely disappointed in these suggestions.
Granted the article did not spell out specific items marked for cuts, but the impression still remains that the affirmations given during election time for these needs was just talk. Itâs as if the time I and other members from soccer and baseball spent at various town meetings was a waste of our time.
If we do not begin to improve the fields directly under town control now (this does not mean any of the fields on school property) when will we do it? I certainly hope those people in Newtown who want to have new fields built express their opinion to the Board of Selectmen and the Legislative Council during this budget process.
It would be a sad and disappointing time if the town once again said spending on Parks and Recreation needs for all our children was only a good thing to do when its time to be reelected.
Sincerely Yours,
Patrick Barczak
21 Grand Place, Newtown                    February 2, 2000