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Police Seek Traffic Enforcement Requests



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Police Seek Traffic Enforcement Requests

Police Lieutenant George Sinko, head of the police department’s traffic enforcement unit, reported this week that the two-officer traffic squad continued its enforcement efforts during January, focusing its work on speeding violations and distracted driver violations.

During January, the traffic unit stopped approximately 97 motor vehicles for investigations, in addition to the more than 480 vehicles that were stopped by the police department’s patrol division, Lt Sinko said.

The traffic unit made two arrests after investigating a Taunton Lane speeding complaint in mid-January, he said. Charges in those two arrests included driving under suspension, possession of drug paraphernalia, and various motor vehicle charges.

The traffic unit enforces the traffic laws to enhance public safety.

Residents who are interested in contacting the traffic unit for traffic enforcement can do so through a request form posted on the police department’s website, www.newtown-ct.gov/Public_Documents/NewtownCT_Police/Files/TER.

The police department’s main telephone number is 426-5841.

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