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Stripp On Transportation Committee



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Stripp On Transportation Committee

State Representative John E. Stripp, R-135th District, has been appointed to the General Assembly’s Transportation Committee for the 2001-02 legislative sessions by House Minority Leader Robert M. Ward, R-Northford.

Rep Stripp also was re-appointed as the House ranking member (Republican leader) on the General Assembly’s Banks committee and re-assigned to the Appropriations Committee.

“I’m very pleased to have been assigned to the Transportation Committee,” Rep Stripp said. “For the next several years, the state will be working on solutions to the serious traffic congestion problems that have plagued us for more than a decade – especially in Fairfield County on I-95 and the Merritt Parkway. As a member of the Transportation Committee, I will be in a stronger position to advocate for solutions to Fairfield County’s traffic problems than I would have been had I remained on the Commerce Committee.”

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