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NUMC Outreach: Bibles And Valentines For Troops



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Newtown United Methodist Church members invite the public to join them in two special projects this month to honor the men and women of the Armed Forces.

NUMC, along with American Bible Society (ABS), is supporting servicemen and women through the donation of Bibles. ABS has been delivering Bibles to troops since 1817.

Thousands of requests for Bibles from all branches of the military are received by ABS on a monthly basis. The need is overwhelming. When Bibles are placed in the dining facilities in the morning, by lunchtime they are gone.

A donation of $5 will provide a Bible for each request. Newtown United Methodist Church wants to give Bibles to the troops who clearly wish for them.

A fundraising effort is underway until February 11. Cost is $5 per Bible, with all funds collected to be forwarded to American Bible Society. To donate, send a check payable to NUMC, with Mission Bibles in the memo line, to Newtown United Methodist Church, 92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook CT 06482, or visit NUMC.us and click on Give Now, then click on Mission for Bibles.

In addition to the Bible mission, NUMC is collecting Valentines to send to the troops. All are invited to show gratitude and love for American heroes.

A Valentine card, a homemade card, or a simple note would be appreciated. Children’s cards (homemade or not) are also appreciated.

Organizers ask that political statements are not included in any message.

The deadline for both projects is February 11.

For additional information contact the church office at 203-426-9998 or churchoffice@newtown-umc.org.

Lynette Daria holds a Bible and hymnal in the narthex of Newtown United Methodist Church. Daria is part of a group of NUMC members who have organized an American Bible Society fundraiser for servicepeople. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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