A Online Cure For A Dreary Winter
A Online Cure For A Dreary Winter
To the Editor:
Looking for a break from the dreary winter? Check out Newtownâs new website. I applaud the selectman and all associated with the site, which is a long time in coming.
The site embraces video streaming technology for meetings, which means folks can view them from the comfort of their own homes. Also, as we continue to unravel the âwhat to do with FFH,â the website certainly does a nice job of welcoming prospective investors.
Finally, one can subscribe to receive information about the town, including meeting minutes, which helps to keep us all up to date on important issues and the budgetary process. The website is bright, engaging, and multifaceted; a welcomed breath of fresh air in this dismal winter. Well done! Iâm impressed.
Desiree Galassi
151 Huntingtown Road, Newtown                          February 2, 2011