February 8: Totoket, Competitive Youngsters vs Oldsters; Hope, Sweet Hearts; Winchester, Will You Be Mine?
Published: Feb 04, 2005 12:00 am
February 8: Totoket, Competitive Youngsters vs Oldsters; Hope, Sweet Hearts; Winchester, Will You Be Mine?
February 9: Whigville, Leap Year.
February 10: Litchfield, Presidents and Their Homes; Wallingford, Valentines.
February 14: Mountain County, Pomona at Beacon, âThe Good of All.â
February 15: Eureka, Potluck supper, ice cream social; Beacon, Bring a Valentine.
February 16: Cheshire, Agriculture.
February 17: Cannon, Silent Movie piano accompanist.
February 22: Hope, Presidents; Winchester, Happy Birthday, George.
February 24: Litchfield, Noon â Potluck.