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Enlist The Military At FFH



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Enlist The Military At FFH

The following open letter to State Representative Julia Wasserman has been received for publication.

Dear Julia:

I found newspaper articles relative to the possible location of a military facility in Newtown very interesting.

Obviously the town does not have any property of sufficient size for such a facility to sell to the military. If they decide, however, to acquire some of the state owned conservation/agriculture land at Fairfield Hills, I can see the following possible advantages to the town.

If you and our first selectman could successfully negotiate it, we may get the military to include the construction of an extension of Commerce Drive to Wasserman Way in their overall facility plan. They certainly will need direct access to Route 84 if they intend to operate heavy equipment in the area. This would give them access to Route 84 via exit 10 and 11. It would benefit the town by the possible elimination of some of the Queen Street traffic.

Our Homeland Security requirements would be greatly enhanced.

The town’s retail business would benefit.

I would appreciate your comments on this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph E. Borst

10 Beechwood Drive, Sandy Hook                          January 31, 2006

Comments are open. Be civil.

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