Members of the highway department employees union were expected to turn out in force for the town meeting scheduled for Thursday and urge the voters to approve a $300,000 appropriation for construction of a new town garage, and $150,000 for purchase
Members of the highway department employees union were expected to turn out in force for the town meeting scheduled for Thursday and urge the voters to approve a $300,000 appropriation for construction of a new town garage, and $150,000 for purchase of land.
Plans for large structures proposed for Newtown will now receive the scrutiny of the chiefs of the five volunteer fire companies, according to an agreement reached between the Planning & Zoning Commission and Hook & Ladder Chief Kenneth Pelletier on Friday, February 7. Chief Pelletier, who will serve as liaison with the commission, told its members the chiefs are interested particularly in examining plans for institutional-type proposals: multiple family housing such as the soon-to-be proposed 40-unit elderly housing project for property on Nunnawauk Road; commercial and industrial plants; and other large buildings, including churches and projects similar to Eagle Hill, the alcoholics treatment center proposed last year.
Old man winter stormed his way through Connecticut on Wednesday, and Newtown is now covered with a nice white blanket of snow which many did not consider too lovely as it was falling and causing havoc with the roads. Actually, the norâeaster wasnât as vicious as some of the ones Newtowners can remember in years past, but when six inches or more of the white stuff lay on the ground, and while it was coming down, the going was rough. The town road crew had been alerted that the storm was coming, and so was ready when the snow began to fall.
Young Danny Kemmerer, son of Mr and Mrs Howard Kemmerer of Hanover Road, has become a performer on the violin under the tutelege of Miss Edith Schwab of Danbury. His teacher is using a string training method developed by a Japanese violinist and teacher, Shinichi Suzuki. Danny played two weeks ago for the Trinity nursery School, and this week performed for the children in the Newtown Congregational Church Weekday Nursery School.
A bill placed before the Connecticut legislature by Sen Joseph E. Schwartz of Easton brought several members of the Newtown Fish and Game Club to constituentsâ meetings conducted by State Rep John Anderson of Newtown last week. Some of the sportsmen had read a newspaper account which ascribed the bill to the âNewtown representativeâ and others misinterpreted the bill as threatening even more drastic limits on hunting land than it in fact would provide.
Three Botsford boys, Stuart Mendelson, Mark Briganti and James Peck, put on a garage fair on Saturday, February 1, from noon to 4 pm. The âSnoopy Carnivalâ featured clowns, games, candy and prizes for all the children in the neighborhood. The $10 they raised was donated to the Newtown Association for Retarded Children, in their name.
Mrs Louis (Marie) Kertesz has been appointed town chairman of Newtown for the 1975 Heart Fund Drive which is held in February, with February 9 designated as Heart Sunday.
FEBRUARY 17, 1950
The raising of the flag on Newtownâs newly erected all-steel, 100-foot pole on the historic site at the intersection of Main Street, Church Hill Road and West Street in dedicatory exercises last Sunday afternoon brought together a large gathering of townspeople when members of a score of the townâs civic organizations formed in line and marched to the site of the dedication. A patriotic urge and loyalty to an historic town institution combined with almost balmy weather for February to make the convocation impressively large. The ceremony was conducted under the auspices of the Raymond L. Pease Post, American Legion, and the flag used was one given to Newtown by his widow in honor of Captain Peter Lawson, World War I Marine Corps veteran, who gave his life in World War II. Assembling at Edmond Town Hall and taking part in the ceremonies were the American Legion Post and Auxiliary, the Charles Howard Peck Post, VFW and Auxiliary, the Sandy Hook Fife and Drum Corps, Rotary Club of Newtown, Boy Scouts, and Cubs, Girl Scouts and Brownies, Camp Fire Girls, Bluebirds, Pohtatuck Grange, firemen and members of other organizations. The parade was headed by First Selectman A. Fenn Dickinson, with Legion Commander George L. May as his aide. George A. Jackson acted as marshal. Following them the color guards of the American Legion and the VFW and their Auxiliaries and the guards of other organizations marched to the martial music supplied by the Sandy Hook Fife and Drum Corps. At the flagpole, the ceremony took place with Col C. Sidney Haight, USA retired, acting as master of ceremonies. Four Eagle Scouts, James Mainwaring, Richard MacTaggart, Dwight Johnson and Robert Richmond, under the direction of Rev Paul A. Cullens, Scoutmaster, then raised the flag while the Sandy Hook Fife and Drum Corps played âTo the Colors.â
During the days of rain, snow and sleet this week crews of the State Highway Department and of the town of Newtown have appeared early on the scene clearing the roads of snow and slush and sanding them in dangerous places, working both at night and early in the mornings. First Selectman A. Fenn Dickinson has been at work supervising local road crews in efforts to lessen the hazards of driving, and for the state, William D. Corbett has supervised the work of the State Highway Department.
With the excavating for foundations of the new firehouse completed last week, 25 members of the United Fire Company of Botsford worked together last Sunday making forms for the footings. They are now ready to pour at the first opportunity.
More than 400 parishioners, townspeople and neighboring clergy attended a reception given last Friday evening in the guild rooms of Trinity Episcopal Church to welcome Rev Dr and Mrs Gordon D. Pierce. Dr Pierce, the new rector of Trinity Church, and Mrs Pierce arrived in Newtown the first of February when he assumed his duties at the local church.
Much to the surprise of the Little Sacks, if not all of the SAC boys, the basketball classic played Sunday night at the Edmond Town Hall gymnasium, produced some very agile fathers â or âPopsiclesâ, as they are now known in sports circles. The game was not all comedy, by any means, for at times the boys were worried and pressed â the fathers tired and breathless. The starting line-up for the Popsicles included First Selectman âSlimâ Dickinson and Ray Trimpert as forwards, Editor Paul Smith at center, John McMahon and Cranston Brewer as guards. Players for the Little Sacks included Kennie Berglund, Billy McQuillan, Don Ingram, Donnie Lewis, Dick Carmody, Bobby McMahon, Mike Trimpert, Norman Anderson and Buckle Dean.
Residents of the Half Way River district of Newtown, including the Great Quarter Road and other sections bordering Route 34, have acted through Rep John Davis Lodge of Westport, to ask the Post Office Department to consider granting rural free delivery to householders in that locality. It is stated that mail recipients now have to collect their mail from the Stevenson Post Office which, they claim, is open only from 10 am to 3:30 pm and many are required to walk long distances to collect their mail.
In addition to those whose names have previously been reported in The Bee, the Veterans Memorial Building Fund committee acknowledges with thanks receipt of contributions from the following: Mrs Frank Proudfoot, Mrs Florence Keating, Mr and Mrs William OâShea, Charles Lockwood and Mrs Catherine Elife.
FEBRUARY 13, 1925
Francis Northrop has sold his speedy Ford Twin Two to Russell and Frances Hubbell.
Thomas Brophy has a very handsome pair of gray horses bought of Kimpson & Rugan of Torrington. They were delivered by truck on Wednesday.
William Hayes, a genial clerk for H.G. Warner, while delivering groceries in Berkshire on Saturday, had a peculiar experience. On coming out he found a big police dog on the front seat, and the dog would not let Mr Hayes get near the car. Finally he telephoned to the owner on Botsford Hill, who came and took the dog away.
FEBRUARY 16, 1900
Hon D. N. Morgan of Bridgeport, former US treasurer, has made a handsome contribution to the fund for the purchase of the library site.
A party of Newtown young people, chaperoned by Mrs James Miner, drove over to South Britain not long ago to attend an entertainment given under the auspices of a society connected with the Congregational Church. The other members of the party were Charles G. Peck, Miss Laura Mitchell, Hobart Warner, Miss Alice Beers, James Nichols, Miss Ida Miner, Louis Briscoe and Harry S. Mason.