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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Public Comment Period Still Open For Watershed Plan



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To the Editor:

I wanted to express my personal appreciation to everyone who attended the Pootatuck River Watershed Management Plan (PRWMP) draft presentation this past Wednesday in the Legislative Council Room. The Pootatuck River Partners now seek public comment on the PRWMP by February 24, 2024. Public comments or questions about the PRWMP can be sent to rpinto@hvatoday.org or to the writer at info@pootatuckwatershed.org. The link to the draft PRWMP is hvatoday.org.

We were thankful for the EPA Section 319 funding provided through our State DEEP and a grant from the Long Island Futures Fund that combined supported the four years of work required to produce the PRWMP draft for both Deep Brook and Pootatuck River watersheds.

Thanks to the Steering Team members of the Pootatuck River Partners: CT DEEP, Town of Newtown Land Use, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation departments and Conservation Commission; Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited, Newtown Forest Association, Northwest Conservation District, Harbor Watch of Earthplace, West Council of Governments, the Potatuck Club, and Aquarion Water Company for their guidance and support.

Special thanks to the Housatonic Valley Association that provided project management and technical expertise in the development of the PRWMP plus all the volunteers and interns that supported the 16 miles of stream assessments and additional work to document the watershed issues for the Environmental Conditions Report upon which the PRWMP draft was based.

I encourage Newtown residents to support the Pootatuck Watershed Association and the Town of Newtown and other organizational members of the Pootatuck River Partners as collectively we work to improve the PRWMP and translate it into projects and behaviors that make Newtown healthier and even Nicer.

Gratefully yours,

Randy Walker


Pootatuck Watershed Association


A letter from Randy Walker.
Comments are open. Be civil.
1 comment
  1. phydeaux says:

    People can comment all they want but, the decisions have already been made. It’s all about the money. The best solution is to do nothing. Let the river run. Find and punish violators. But then you wouldn’t have a bloated bureaucracy asking for more money every year. Just like the watershed, self-sustaining semi-government.

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