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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Alliance Française NW CT Events



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Alliance Française NW CT Events

The next offerings of Alliance Française of Northwestern Connecticut’s Café-Conversation will meet Saturdays, February 2 and 16, from 10 am until noon, at Southbury Library, 100 Poverty Road in Southbury. The group meets in the Kingsley B Room.

Attendees are encouraged to read and discuss articles about France in French in a relaxed atmosphere (or just come and listen to this beautiful language). Bring coffee and pastries if you would like.

In case of bad weather, call 266-5588 to see if the meeting is cancelled.

A Cinematheque & Conversation program will be held in Bridgewater on Sunday, December 3, at 4 pm. It will be in a private home; directions will be given with reservations.

Guests will watch and then discuss in French about a French movie chosen by the hosts. This year’s program will also include a Mardi Gras celebration.

Call 860-355-1985 or send e-mail to Eacheson023@earthlink.net for information and reservations.

Finally, the Soirées Littéraires group will meet on Thursday, February 7, at 6:30 pm, at Bridgewater Library, Route 133 in Bridgewater. The group is reading and discussing L’Élégance du Herisson by Muriel Barbery. The group will share their books, summarize the story, and new members are welcome.

For information about this group call 860-355-1985 or send e-mail to eacheson023@earthlink.net.

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