Good Hosts In Botsford
Good Hosts In Botsford
To the Editor:
On behalf of Girl Scout Troop 809, we would like to thank the Botsford Firehouse for allowing us to have our Saturday morning meetings at the firehouse for going on the past seven years.
Assistant Chief Jay Nevesky has been a particular friend to the troop, and we appreciate all he has done for us. In allowing our troop to meet there, the firehouse has done a great community service by providing us with a space to meet, work on our badges, and plan our own community service projects.
Recent circumstances have forced us to make other meeting place arrangements. However, we would be remiss in not expressing our thanks. Again, we are grateful for the service they provided us over the years, and wish all of the Botsford firefighters the best.
Pamela Meister
Denise Rodriguez
Leaders, GS Troop 809
11 Park Lane, Newtown                                          January 22, 2005