Vincent Giarrano Art Demo Opened Annual SCAN ‘Color In January’ Show & Sale
The Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN) hosted the reception for its “Color in Winter Show & Sale” on January 15.
The annual exhibition presents original works by members of the long-standing artists’ collective. The art is displayed within the main corridor of Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street.
Concurrent to the reception last week was a painting demonstration by Vincent Giarrano, who is a well-known painter and former illustrator for Marvel Comics. Giarrano specializes in realistic painting. His subject matter frequently is found in New York City.
Giarrano earned his BFA at the State University of New York and his master’s degree at Syracuse University. He has exhibited his work widely throughout the United States and has had exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.; Fort Wayne Museum of Art; and The National Portrait Gallery in London, England, among others. He has won numerous awards for his paintings locally, nationally, and internationally.
A few dozen people gathered in the Council Chambers at the municipal center to listen to Giarrano narrate his steps while he created a new work.
The 2025 SCAN Color in January Show & Sale will remain on view through March 21. Members were invited to submit up to four of their works for this year’s presentation, which was chaired by Nancy Cronin.
The exhibition can be viewed weekdays between 8 am and 4:30 pm, and when the building is open evenings for Town board and commission meetings.