Town Preparing For Winter Storm Juno
First Selectman Pat Llodra and Newtown’s Emergency Management Team are asking that every resident make appropriate preparations to ensure personal safety and readiness for what might be a major disruption in services.
Following a meeting this morning between Mrs Llodra, Director of Health Donna Culbert, Fire Marshal Bill Halstead, Director of Communications Maureen Will, and Deputy Land Use Director Rob Sibley, the team is announcing that Newtown’s emergency services are prepared and ready; and Public Works, Parks & Recreation and Newtown Police Department are fully equipped with materials and supplies are staffed for full response.
Snow has already begun falling in Newtown. While it had been moving at a moderate rate during the mid to late morning hours, there is currently a lull in action.
The pace is expected to increase soon, however. The National Weather Service (NWS) is watching a Nor’easter being referred to by many as Juno, which is expected to bring snowfall of one to three feet or more to many parts of the Northeast through the evening of Tuesday, January 27. The weather service is predicting up to 35 inches of snow to arrive in Newtown between Monday night and Tuesday night. The Blizzard Warning covering Connecticut and much of New England officially went into effect at 1 pm EST.
The Newtown Emergency Response Team is continuing to monitor .the storm
The team, which participated at 9:15 this morning with Governor Dannel P. Malloy in a conference call among other towns and municipalities, has activated the town’s Emergency Operations Center at a “monitoring level” at this time.
The team is asking all residents to keep the following in mind:
Shelter In Place: Newtown’s Emergency Management Team shares the American Red Cross’s expectation is that this will be a shelter-in-place event.
“We are not opening a shelter prior to the impact of the storm. We are urging residents DO NOT DRIVE during this storm. We will continue to assess needs throughout the event,” the team announced via press release late Monday morning. “Should there be long term power outages, we will make provisions to open facilities for warming, charging electrical equipment, showering, shelters as necessary.”
Notification will be made using News & Announcements and Code Red through the town, The Newtown Bee, and social media.
Parking and Snow Removal: Police Chief Michael Kehoe reminds residents that parking on the roadway impedes snow removal and is dangerous to the Highway Department personnel.
Chief Keho also reminds residents to NOT push snow out onto the roadway during cleanup of driveways and sidewalks. This practice impedes roadway plowing clean-up and jeopardizes public safety.
It is also an illegal practice. Connecticut Statute 19A-335 (Nuisances on Highways) makes it illegal to push snow or ice from private driveways and walks into town roads. There is a $50 fine for each violation cited.
Make A Kit: Water (one gallon per person a day for three days); Food – a three day supply of non-perishable food; battery-operated radio with extra batteries; a flashlight with batteries; a First Aid Kit, etc.
Generators: A home generator can be a great help during a power outage.
“Please be sure the generator is properly installed and vented away from the house,” the team said. Never run a generator indoors. Be sure to clear snow from around the generator to keep fumes away from house.
Medical Needs: Review continuity of care from existing professional assistance, supply of medications, home delivery of essential supplies such as oxygen, specific needs.
Pets: Be prepared to properly care for pets in severe weather. This includes food, meds and any other supplies a pet may need.
Be Informed: Make sure your cell phones and other mobile devices are fully charged in the event the power goes out. Be sure to listen to the local authorities and weather stations for information on the storm’s progression.
If you have not already done so, sign up for CodeRED alerts and News & Announcements that are provided by the town, including your cell phone number so you may receive the messages. Both services are free and can be accessed through .the town website
Important Numbers & Contact Information
The Newtown Emergency Management Team has issued this list of phone numbers and contact information for residents to keep handy during Juno.
*Life Safety Emergency: call 911
*Power Outage: call CL&P at 1-800-286-2000
*CodeRED: register at or call 203-270-4370 for assistance
*News and Announcements – register at
*Connecticut’s free information and referral service: call 211 or visit
*Visit the Town website and for updates.