Cheer Squad Wins Competition
Published: Jan 26, 2015 12:00 am
Newtown High School’s cheerleading team won the 20th Annual Wolcott Cheer Classic on January 25. The Nighthawks competed against nine other varsity teams and scored 90.5 out of 100 points to claim top honors. Newtown also received the Showmanship Award.
Members of the team are: Kate Skalkos, Sophia Matsis, Laken Hughes, Liz Zambernardi, Maddy Bridges, Lindsay Sklakos, Chloe Amante, Jess Mullany, Mackenzie Woodhouse, Isabelle Silver, Annika Alexander, Caroline Daria, Allie Muzzio, Lexy Leidlein, Katie McCabe, Abby Pearson, Taylor Miller, Olivia Mubarek, and Anna Steare.
Newtown High School’s cheerleading team won the 20th Annual Wolcott Cheer Classic on January 25. Members of the squad were all smiles after receiving the trophy.