Scholarships Info At NHS Career Center
Scholarships Info At NHS Career Center
Information on the following scholarships has arrived in the Career Center at Newtown High School. Applications and/or information for these scholarships, as well as ones previously listed in The Bee, are available there. Please call Mrs McEvoy at 426-1915 if you have any questions.
McDonaldâs Restaurant Owner/Operators Scholarships There are four scholarships available
and students may apply for more than one; however, a student may only receive one scholarship. General criteria: must be a U.S. citizen, reside in the New York Tri-State area (includes Fairfield County, CT), 3.0 grade point average, community service and/or employment record, plan to enroll in a 2-year or 4-year college or university and demonstrate financial need. In addition, each of the four scholarships has its own individual criteria.
McDonaldâs Golden Arches Scholarships $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to any winning students planning to attend their first year of college who meet the general criteria. In addition, $5,000 will be awarded to the student who is most outstanding academically and the student who best demonstrates a commitment to community service.
McDonaldâs Gospelfest Music Scholarships $1,000 will be awarded to winning students pursuing an education in music, and one $5,000 award. Applicants must be planning to major in music.
McDonaldâs African American Heritage Scholarships African-American students who meet the general criteria and plan on attending their first year of college are eligible for $1,000 scholarships. The student displaying the most outstanding academic achievement will be awarded a $5,000 award and the student who best demonstrates a commitment to community service will be awarded $5,000.
McDonaldâs UNCF Tri-State Scholarships Three $20,000 ($5,000 per year for 4 years) scholarships will be awarded to students planning to attend a United Negro College Fund institution.
McDonaldâs RMHC/HACER (Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources) Program For graduating high school seniors entering college in the fall of 2000 who are U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents who have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage. Successful candidates will be selected through an assessment of high school academic achievement, financial need, personal qualities and strengths. Sixty (60) $2,500 Academic Awards, three $5,000 Valedictorian Awards; and one $10,000 Teacherâs Excellence Award. Application and all required information and transcripts due by March 1, 2000.
Connecticut State University System Scholarships Three scholarships will be offered:
Ted Martocchio Scholarship Two $1,000 scholarships for students with 3.0 GPA minimum, leadership or examples of volunteer work, resident of CT and accepted full time to Central Connecticut State University full time. Must be child of Building and Trades Union member with financial need. Application due March 15, 2000 by 4:00 pm.
Pratt and Whitney Science and Technology Scholarship $1,000 will be awarded to a student with GPA of 3.0 minimum, who demonstrates excellence in science or technology, and is accepted to Eastern Connecticut State University full time. Financial need must be demonstrated. Application deadline is March 15, 2000 by 4:00 p.m.
T. Clark Hull Public Service Scholarship $500 will be awarded to a student with financial need who has a minimum GPA of 3.0, demonstrated leadership and commitment to service to their high school or community and accepted to Southern Connecticut State University. Deadline is March 15, 2000 by 4:00 p.m.
Central Connecticut State University Is offering up to ten $1,000 scholarships to students who will enter CCSU as a freshmen next fall. Competition is open to seniors graduating at the end of the Spring 2000 semester. The competition, a 1½-hour mathematics exam and a 1½-hour essay exam, will be held Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. in the Northwest Dining Room of Memorial Hall. Applicants must return the registration form no later than February 25. Forms are available in the Career Center.
USA Today 2000 All-USA Academic Team in cooperation with the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Education Association, USA Today is once again searching for the best high school students in the nation. $2,500 will be awarded to each of the 20 students on the first time. The key element, to be given most weight by the judges, will be a studentâs outstanding original academic, artistic or leadership endeavor. The judges will be influenced by a studentâs ability to describe that outstanding endeavor in his/her own words. Judges also consider grades, honors, leadership and how nominees apply their intellectual skills beyond the classroom. Student(s) will be nominated by Scholarship Committee. For high school seniors or juniors planning to graduate from high school sometime in the year 2000. Application materials must be in to the Career Center by no later than February 15, 2000.
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program 2000-01 For high school seniors who rank in the top 2 percent of their high school class or who achieve a score of 1400 or better on the SAT. Financial need is NOT a component of the selection criteria. The United States Dept. of Education sponsors this program to promote student excellence and achievement and to recognize exceptionally able students who show promise of continued excellence. The actual amount of the scholarships is anticipated to be $1,500. Connecticut recipients will be selected by the CT Dept. of Higher Education. Application deadline is April 1, 2000.
Gates Millennium Scholars For African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and Hispanic Americans enrolling in and completing undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Looking for students who have high academic achievement, severe financial need, and leadership capabilities. Awards could include tuition, fees, books, living expenses as determined by financial need. Student(s) must be nominated. Applications must be in to Career Center by March 1, 2000.
Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut, Inc./Glenn Moon Scholarship Fund, Inc. This is open to senior CT high school students who intend to pursue a career in teaching. Students are required to send transcripts, demonstrate financial need and have an interest in educational activities. $1,500 awarded the first year with additional awards of $1,500 being granted each of the following three years. Will also present three one-year scholarships of $1,000 each. Application form due no later than March 31, 2000.
The Weller Foundation, Inc. Medical/Health Sciences Scholarship For seniors who are full-time students at Joel Barlow, Masuk, Newtown, Shelton or Trumbull High Schools. Award is for a total of $6,000 or 50 percent of the cost of tuition for the training program, whichever is less. Students choosing a career in Nursing, Therapy, Medical Technology, Paramedics, and other licensed healthcare workers who provide one-on-one training. Programs leading to MD or PhD degrees are NOT acceptable. Academic programs shall be a minimum of one year and a maximum of four. Application in Career Center but see Mrs Waterbury for more details. Deadline for application is March 24, 2000.
The Weller Foundation, Inc. Instrumental Music Scholarship $4,000 scholarship available for seniors interested in studying at a four-year fully accredited college or conservatory as a music major with a concentration in instrumental music. See Mrs Waterbury for details. Application deadline is March 24, 2000.