The Constitution Is Not About Armed Rebellion <font size="3">by Skip Marrotte</font>
To the Editor
I am writing in response to Brendan Duffy's letter of January 19th. It appears that Mr Duffy has a somewhat inaccurate understanding of the Constitution in general and the Second Amendment in specific. His belief that the Second Amendment was put in to allow "the people" to overthrow the government if they don't like the way things are going is incorrect. The Constitution specifically spells out the three branches of government, representation in congress, and, best of all, elections to keep the country from be "enslaved." If you are not satisfied with the leadership of the country, I would like to quote Cassius in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in our-selves." Mr Duffy if you don't like your elected officials feel free to vote them out! That is what the Constitution is all about, not armed rebellion.
What the Second Amendment is about was concern for the defense of the nation. I know the NRA and NSSF like the last four words of the Amendment, "shall not in infringed" but I like the first four words "a well regulated Militia." This President has done nothing to take guns away from law abiding citizens or for that matter any rights from anyone. Your reference about our lying, freedom-hating and lawless President says far more about you than your concern for our freedom. Suggesting that the NRA and NSSF are protecting liberty is laughable. The only thing they are protecting are profits for arms makers and sellers plus the money they get from for doing it. The US has the highest gun ownership percentage of all the developed nations and the highest rate of guns deaths. The two organizations you are so proud of are doing "one heck of a job Brownie." They really should be ashamed, and NSSF is doing it where 20 children and 6 teachers lost their lives. What about their liberty and rights?
Lastly Mr Duffy, if you are truly worried about "Theft Of Liberty" I would suggest you look around this country at the Republican controlled states. State after state is passing laws to make voting more difficult: photo ID for old and poor people who don't have or need and can't afford drivers licenses; closed polling places with reduced hours; less early voting days; and harder absentee voting requirements. Remember in the last election a Pennsylvania Republican bragged about passing a restrictive voting law that would "guarantee a Mitt Romney victory." States like Texas are trying to deny women their constitutional right to get an abortion by passing laws making it almost impossible for clinics to meet state requirements. You may not approve of abortions, but do you support going around the Constitution? Best of all, when President Obama was elected, Mitch McConnell said his job was to make him a one-term President. The RNC said they would block, delay and fight every new initiative he put forward. I wonder where that is in the Constitution?
Skip Marrotte
3 Wieting Road, Washington Depot ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ January 24, 2016