Getting Voting Info Out To The Public
Getting Voting Info Out
To The Public
To the Editor,
We would like to express our appreciation for the amount of information your paper has allowed us to get out to the public. We have not seen this in any of the other local papers. Each week this month we have received many phone calls prompted by the articles you have run.
The differences in voting laws between states are amazing. Many citizens have said that they thought they could show up and vote as unaffiliated or independent voters. In Connecticut you canât. In Connecticut, Democrats vote in Democratic Primaries and Republicans vote in Republican Primaries only.
Our office called all of the households in District 3-2, that we had proper phone numbers for, to let them know of the polling place change from Middle Gate School to Edmond Town Hall Gym. We were very pleased with the number of families that knew about it due to the coverage in The Bee.
We know that many citizens will be able to vote on Super Tuesday because of the information they read in your paper. Thank you again for your assistance.
Karin Aurelia
LeReine Frampton
Registrars of Voters
45 Main Street, Newtown                                         January 24, 2008